"Sg721": {
"creator": "stars12jw66sqef6pu9y5z6zr5q08a8g4n3wtweaayx3",
"description": "Plucky Penguins is a Kujira DeFi NFT collection where yield from LPs on Kujira is directed to 5 NFT holders weekly via a lottery system. Further prizes are awarded to holders for their engagement on social media and interactions within the Kujira ecosystem, with both determining the direction of the storyline behind the Penguins.",
"image": "ipfs://bafybeid6c7dvft75ja3i3ub47u67yxu3rx24kxy3t3jsqjun2uhyjhwi54/cover photo.png",
"external_link": "https://twitter.com/PluckyPenguins",
"explicit_content": false,
"start_trading_time": "1699985100000000000",
"royalty_info": {
"payment_address": "stars12jw66sqef6pu9y5z6zr5q08a8g4n3wtweaayx3",
"share": "0.05",
"updated_at": null