The cutest pixel creatures in the outer space!
back none 92.26%
background gray_sunnyday 9.99%
base medium_tail_colordpink 3.87%
cheeks none 90.37%
earstar earstar 49.59%
eyes eyegreen 15.93%
eyewear readingglasses 8.28%
floor snow 19.71%
foreground none 87.31%
forehead none 57.97%
galaxyrainbow rainbow_blue 0.18%
head lacesidegrey 4.05%
neck diamondgold 5.49%
opalframe opal 1.44%
ruff none 83.26%
skin none 61.66%
wings none 87.31%

Total Rarity Score: 738.16

Rarity: #6/1111

Starty #347

Collection: Starty

Minted 2 years ago by startynft.stars. Currently owned by stars1jh..dzem.