Grumpy Grans and Grandads - We have earned some time to have fun!
accessories Long Red Beaded earrings, Cigarettes, Orange Pince-nez glasses 0.04%
background Star Burst, central 0.96%
body type Solid Shoulder, left side forward 22.79%
clothing Red with orange stripes Jumper 3.02%
hair colour Black 23.32%
hairstyle Straight, Loose, wind-swept 5.65%
head colour Pink skin 6.8%
mood Overjoyed and exuberant 5.43%

Total Rarity Score: 2696.51

Rarity: #2180/9999

Grumpy Grans

Collection: Grumpy Grans Galore

Minted 4 months ago by stars1vx..8kmn. Currently owned by stars1c8..gkc9.