Maybe in a parallel universe where I got the computer I wanted for my 11th birthday, this would have been the original version of Bad Kids.
accessory crown 0.22%
age 10 19.55%
background black 11.27%
badness 36 1.85%
body cool nerd 4.19%
brains 36 2.97%
clothes blue shirt 16.83%
eyes neanderthal 2.58%
hair black hair 55.85%
mouth gritted 4.67%
muscles 28 3.27%
nose pointy v 2.97%
skin B 12.1%

Total Rarity Score: 720.47

Rarity: #1304/9999

Bit Kid #1074

Collection: Bit Kids

Minted a year ago by stars15y..w95r. Currently owned by 420love.stars.

Sale offer expires in 4 weeks.

Buy for 33,420

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