A collection of hand-drawn images depicting every lost soul left on Earth after the best and brightest have shed their physical forms to meet up in a glorious digital eternity.
Before Job Biologist 0.14%
Class Influencer 3.12%
Disposition Judgy 3.66%
Eyes Bored 10.46%
Faction Singulars 12%
Hair Shag - Dark 0.25%
Hand Balloon 0.18%
Intelligence Pretty smart 10.34%
Legs White Linen Pants 0.36%
Luck Tough 8.17%
Mouth Dapper 5.48%
Nose Broad 16.24%
Preoccupation Reproduction 0.83%
Skin Pale 30.81%
Torso Camp Uniform 0.09%

Total Rarity Score: 3305.71

Rarity: #466/9999

After the Filter #6787

Collection: After the Filter

Minted a year ago by stars1sc..vlw3. Currently owned by stars1j6..9744.

Sale offer expires in 2 months.

Buy for 100,000

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