Generation 1 of your fren Ozzy, the local science experiment!
Atomic Weight 238.02891 4.55%
Background 3D 14.85%
Beaker Pristine 27.48%
Body depresso 3.9%
Glasses Shades 14.03%
Luckiness 1 Clover 21.41%
Luminosity 0.47 L 5.5%
Magnetism 69 Gauss 6.89%
Osmotic Flow 56.9 CM per min 3.08%
Prop Helpy's Wrench 17.19%

Total Rarity Score: 140.83

Rarity: #1682/2438

Ozzy - Gen 1-2023.1402

Collection: Ozzy: Gen 1

Minted 11 months ago by stars1xs..n75p. Currently owned by stars1s6..j0p3.

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