MicroCosmicFriends are the byproduct of the liquidity experiments in the Osmosis lab. Tiny beings on a quest to elevate the CØSMOS Ecosystem fandom.
Atomic Number 2 18.88%
Background phosphorus green 2.96%
Density 56 0.76%
Hats porkpie teal 0.76%
Items star necklace 0.96%
Pants plain pants black 1.36%
Shoes normal sneaker yellow 1.48%
Socks unlucky socks blue 7.52%
Strain atom 7.16%
Tops blue fleece 0.6%
Underwear none 19.44%

Total Rarity Score: 746.58

Rarity: #1595/2500


Collection: MicroCosmicFriends

Minted 2 months ago by stars1t7..7wla. Currently owned by stars1g8..jrq6.

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