#179 of 208 Unique Inhabitants. He is a Sanguine with a sociable nature, with a keen look, in young age. He looks loving. And what emotions do you see in him?
Age Young 24.04%
Build Small 9.13%
Emotion Loving 6.73%
Eyes Keen 5.77%
Eyes Colour Gray 15.38%
Figure Superb 9.13%
Gender Male 62.02%
Hair Balding 2.88%
Hair Colour Blonde 6.73%
Lips Parted 13.94%
Nature Sociable 5.77%
Nose Elegant 7.21%
Skin Tanned 5.77%
Temperament Sanguine 27.4%

Total Rarity Score: 175.24

Rarity: #164/208

Unique Inhabitant #179

Collection: Unique Inhabitants

Minted 9 months ago by stars1k3..kt6v. Currently owned by stars1uk..h6jl.