#160 of 208 Unique Inhabitants. She is a Melancholic with a sensitive nature, with a bulging look, in adulthood. She looks lonely. And what emotions do you see in her?
Age Adult 29.33%
Build Slim 6.73%
Emotion Lonely 6.73%
Eyes Bulging 4.81%
Eyes Colour Dark 11.54%
Figure Bony 7.21%
Gender Female 37.98%
Hair Scraggly 6.25%
Hair Colour Golden 4.33%
Lips Well-Cut 7.69%
Nature Sensitive 6.25%
Nose Beaky 8.17%
Skin Ruddy 9.13%
Temperament Melancholic 24.04%

Total Rarity Score: 174.54

Rarity: #169/208

Unique Inhabitant #160

Collection: Unique Inhabitants

Minted 9 months ago by stars1k3..kt6v. Currently owned by stars1rt..s0ku.