The Monster that visits the Cosmos Coffeehouse is a fierce and intimidating creature, with thick, scaly skin and a set of sharp, jagged teeth. Despite his intimidating appearance, he is actually quite friendly and loves nothing more than to sit down with a warm cup of coffee and chat with the other patrons. His name is Grendel, and he is known for his love of all things caffeinated. When he's not at the coffeehouse, Grendel can be found roaming the forests and mountains in search of new and exciting flavors to try. He has a particular fondness for dark roast beans, and is always on the lookout for a new blend to add to his collection.
Attribute None 55.6%
Legendary Mythic 10%
Species Monster 0.4%
Style Oil Painting 71.2%

Total Rarity Score: 263.2

Rarity: #3/250


Collection: The Coffeenauts

Minted 8 months ago by stars16w..cthq. Currently owned by stars120..w882.