Meet Coral, a playful and curious mermaid who loves to explore the depths of the ocean and the mysteries it holds. She has shimmering green scales and a mane of flowing red hair, and is often seen wearing a crown of seashells on her head. Despite her love for adventure, Coral is also a kind and compassionate being, always ready to lend a helping fin to those in need. When she's not swimming through the oceans, you can find her at the Cosmos Coffeehouse, sipping on a hot mug of seaweed latte and chatting with her fellow coffeenauts. Is there anything this mermaid can't do?
Attribute None 55.6%
Legendary Mythic 10%
Species Mermaid 0.4%
Style Oil Painting 71.2%

Total Rarity Score: 263.2

Rarity: #3/250


Collection: The Coffeenauts

Minted a year ago by stars16w..cthq. Currently owned by stars1km..je86.