Jesus is known at the Cosmos Coffeehouse as a man with a kind and compassionate face, long brown hair and a beard. He is dressed in simple robes and sandals, and is often seen carrying a small, wooden cross. Despite the weight of the world on his shoulders, he exudes a sense of peace and serenity, and is always willing to listen to the problems and concerns of those around him. His gentle demeanor and wise words have made him a beloved figure at the coffeehouse, and many patrons seek his counsel and guidance on a daily basis.
Attribute None 55.6%
Legendary Mythic 10%
Species Jesus 0.4%
Style Oil Painting 71.2%

Total Rarity Score: 263.2

Rarity: #3/250


Collection: The Coffeenauts

Minted 6 months ago by stars16w..cthq. Currently owned by pokemonmaster.stars.