Stargaze Miners are a depiction of those who have participated in Crypto space to Mine Tokens .
10. Pixel Coin COSMOS 12.6%
11. Pixel BG BG1 14.1%
1. Pixel Helmet Red 24.92%
2. Pixel Eyebrow Eyebrow2 51.24%
3. Pixel Eye Eye2 32.93%
4. Pixel Mouth Mouth1 32.79%
5. Pixel Beard Beard3 16.38%
6. Pixel Weapon Shovel 33.96%
7. Pixel Body Body1 24.61%
8. Pixel BottomWear Bottomwear3 20.17%
9. Pixel Shoes Shoe5 20.09%
generation 537 0.01%

Total Rarity Score: 8168.12

Rarity: #1358/8118

Stargaze Miners #537

Collection: Stargaze Miners

Minted a year ago by stars182..cyvx. Currently owned by stars1k9..uf6y.