lovingly crafted art collection celebrating your contribution to the cosmos
adaptability 19 6.11%
aggressiveness 17 7.07%
agreeableness 8 2.76%
astral 13 8.39%
attack 21 4.14%
boldness 15 7.75%
charisma 15 7.71%
conscientiousness 13 7.8%
contemplation 11 6.48%
creativity 21 1.27%
curiosity 11 3.85%
defense 10 4.9%
dominance 8 3.04%
element Lithium 4.97%
energy 12 4.16%
EQ 300 0.68%
extraversion 14 8.41%
fearfulness 12 5.34%
gender xx 32.52%
healing 17 7.09%
health 5 0.28%
interests cooking 2.26%
IQ 109 0.28%
kinesis 4 0.44%
luck 21 5.52%
neuroticism 20 6.04%
occupation vibe checker 1.99%
openness 15 7.36%
perception 14 7.9%
persistence 16 8.71%
playfulness 8 2.96%
shyness 9 5.39%
sociability 7 1.34%
speed 15 10.27%
submissiveness 11 6.63%
telepathy 14 8.01%
VQ 67 3.22%
wisdom 15 8.69%

Total Rarity Score: 1859.18

Rarity: #1643/4567

Nymbora Kaldrosia

Collection: Xenocrypt Saga

Minted 10 months ago by stars1c5..wks0. Currently owned by stars1r9..ypej.