Zoom in really close on your Noob! You might find a 4 digit code...or several! Submit it at https://discord.gg/rkV8fhJS for your chance to be one of 5 people to win 4% of the weekly minting proceeds! More mints = bigger pools! Minters who find any of the 22 1 of 1's get refunds and a rare Gen 1 CosmoNoob airdropped to them!
Behind the Noobs Orinje 4.87%
Blouses Poo Cullered 7.06%
Cloke Clokeless 98.7%
Cranium Nacherul Dark 4.42%
Hedware Ears of a Bunners 3.32%
iBrows Mad 7.88%
Mouf Shawked 10.23%
My favorite crypto is Unlogoed 30.79%
Peepers Crayzee Eyes Orinje 1.42%
Sniffer Poynty 10.88%

Total Rarity Score: 193.72

Rarity: #2411/4008

Nekts Jen Noob #2

Collection: CosmoNoobs: Nekts Jen

Minted 11 months ago by stars1c7..n5ju. Currently owned by thetokenkeeper.stars.