tHE cANdY tHAt bITeS bACk
aGiLiTY 25 9.91%
cHArISmA 35 7.39%
fLAvOR Ticklish Taffies 0.72%
iNStINcT 20 7.03%
lUCk 40 6.13%
pOWeR 25 9.91%
rESiLieNcE 30 7.39%
sTEaLTh 25 9.73%
sTReNGtH Fruity Fiesta 1.26%
tRIcK Fizzy Fandango 3.06%
tRIcKErY 5 7.93%
wEAkNEsS Marshmallow Mischief 2.34%

Total Rarity Score: 394.08

Rarity: #218/555

tRIcKy tREaTS #246

Collection: tRIcKY tREaTS

Minted 11 months ago by stars1hw..l0y6. Currently owned by erialos.stars.