Originating from ancient nomadic peoples of Alawan, Z-tizens are generally known to be peace-loving creatures who, above all else, prefer to tend to their families and their lands.
Advantage (Attack) Futuristic, Underworld, Multiverse 9.3%
Agility 17 2.3%
Charisma 19 2.3%
CLASS Z-tizens: Cook 6.6%
Dexterity 35 5.6%
Intelligence 29 3.8%
Strength 18 2.9%
TITLE Villagers & Magical Dwellers 40%
Vitality 27 3.8%
Weakness (Defense) Food, Multiverse 9.3%
Z-Affinity 28 3.8%

Total Rarity Score: 268.15

Rarity: #750/1000

Z-hunter #822, Z-Tizen Cook

Collection: Z-hunters - an ANYO side collection

Minted 11 months ago by anyo.stars. Currently owned by coccinella.stars.