The Bungisngis is a one-eyed giant that prowls islands and swamps in search of food. While a mature Bungisngis usually stands at only twenty feet tall, it is strong enough to easily lift creatures twice its size.
Advantage (Attack) Abstract, Underworld, Multiverse 10%
Agility 36 0.8%
Charisma 29 3.1%
CLASS Elementals: Bungisngis 1.5%
Dexterity 26 2.4%
Intelligence 18 0.8%
Strength 39 3.7%
TITLE Merchant 8%
Vitality 35 3.6%
Weakness (Defense) Fire, Futuristic, Multiverse 10%
Z-Affinity 23 2.1%

Total Rarity Score: 535.52

Rarity: #157/1000

Z-Hunter #552, Elemental: Bungisngis

Collection: Z-hunters - an ANYO side collection

Minted 10 months ago by anyo.stars. Currently owned by enso.stars.