Originally from another world, the Mountaineers of Alawan are highly attuned to Alawan and the creatures living in it. While they are outsiders in Alawan, Mountaineers have a deep knowledge of the social structures of Z-tizens, as well as the role of Zigbins in Alawan’s ecosystems.
Advantage (Attack) Water, Air, Multiverse 10%
Agility 15 4.1%
Charisma 30 5.9%
CLASS Mountaineers 2.8%
Dexterity 26 2.4%
Intelligence 37 3.1%
Strength 25 4.3%
TITLE Merchant 8%
Vitality 24 4.4%
Weakness (Defense) Fire, Underworld, Space, Multiverse 10%
Z-Affinity 25 4.1%

Total Rarity Score: 263.85

Rarity: #769/1000

Z-Hunter #524, Mountaineer

Collection: Z-hunters - an ANYO side collection

Minted 10 months ago by anyo.stars. Currently owned by seppmos.stars.