Powerful elemental spirits that are stewards of their natural habitat. Typically benevolent but quick to anger and their magic has tipped many scales of critical battles in favor of the adventurers that have paid many respects to their influence.
Advantage (Attack) Fire, Futuristic, Multiverse 10%
Agility 30 4.6%
Charisma 40 4%
CLASS Elementals: Diwata 2%
Dexterity 30 4.5%
Intelligence 40 4%
Strength 25 4.3%
TITLE Scholar 3.2%
Vitality 34 1.8%
Weakness (Defense) Earth, Air, Underworld, Multiverse 10%
Z-Affinity 45 2.5%

Total Rarity Score: 324.02

Rarity: #510/1000

Z-Hunter #288, Elemental: Diwata

Collection: Z-hunters - an ANYO side collection

Minted 10 months ago by anyo.stars. Currently owned by enso.stars.