Highly disciplined and trained in all manner of warfare and martial arts, Pintados are the elite warriors of Alawan.
Advantage (Attack) Fire, Futuristic, Multiverse 10%
Agility 45 4.8%
Charisma 31 3.5%
CLASS Pintados 5%
Dexterity 43 2.5%
Intelligence 35 5%
Strength 44 2.3%
TITLE Adventurer 8%
Vitality 47 2.3%
Weakness (Defense) Earth, Air, Underworld, Multiverse 10%
Z-Affinity 37 1.9%

Total Rarity Score: 311.49

Rarity: #563/1000

Z-Hunter #24, Pintados

Collection: Z-hunters - an ANYO side collection

Minted a year ago by anyo.stars. Currently owned by mikku.stars.