Known for their natural disdain for authority as well as social constructs, Exiles are the evicted hunters of Alawan.
Advantage (Attack) Earth, Multiverse 8%
Agility 20 1.6%
Charisma 48 1.2%
CLASS Exile 2.5%
Dexterity 20 0.6%
Intelligence 48 2.8%
Strength 20 2.6%
TITLE Oracle 1.6%
Vitality 20 4.8%
Weakness (Defense) Underworld 8%
Z-Affinity 48 3%

Total Rarity Score: 580.84

Rarity: #127/1000

Z-Hunter #21, Exile

Collection: Z-hunters - an ANYO side collection

Minted 11 months ago by stars1ax..us5u. Currently owned by stars1q6..9gdz.