Lampongs are nature spirits that are shepherds of animals in the wild. It is most known as a shapeshifting protector that assumes the visage of a hunter animal to misdirect hunters giving the animals in its care enough time to run the other direction.
Advantage (Attack) Earth, Multiverse 8%
Agility 38 2.1%
Charisma 46 0.6%
CLASS Elementals: Lampong 2%
Dexterity 32 3.3%
Intelligence 46 2.3%
Strength 31 4.4%
TITLE Oracle 1.6%
Vitality 37 4.2%
Weakness (Defense) Underworld 8%
Z-Affinity 45 2.5%

Total Rarity Score: 524.6

Rarity: #167/1000

Z-Hunter #20, Elemental: Lampong

Collection: Z-hunters - an ANYO side collection

Minted 11 months ago by anyo.stars. Currently owned by stars1lg..pxua.