A force of unknowable nature, all that is known of Ngitngit is what lies in its wake - a tremendous and devastating loss of life and magic.
Advantage (Attack) ALL 2.6%
Agility 50 0.4%
Charisma 49 0.8%
CLASS Ngitngit 0.1%
Dexterity 50 0.3%
Intelligence 49 1.4%
Strength 50 0.4%
TITLE The Darkness 0.1%
Vitality 50 0.5%
Weakness (Defense) NONE 0.1%
Z-Affinity 0 0.2%

Total Rarity Score: 4786.74

Rarity: #1/1000

Ngitngit, The Darkness

Collection: Z-hunters - an ANYO side collection

Minted a year ago by anyo.stars. Currently owned by 1337user.stars.