Your friendly neighborhood Ice Cream Man
Brain Freeze Blast Cold shock therapy for frenemies 100%
Chillin' Energy Hyperactive vibes, icy coolness 100%
Cold Instincts Ice-cold intuition, predicting your moves 100%
Creamy Camouflage Ice cream chameleon, flavor-changing mastery 100%
Flavor Fusion Ice cream alchemy, tasteful chaos 100%
Frosty Finale Explosive ice cream showstopper, flavor blast 100%
Frosty Frenzy Whirlwind of chill, brain freeze sold separately 100%
Icy Laughter Laughter that freezes, comedy & frostbite 100%
Icy Trailblazer Icy slip 'n slide party starter 100%
Minty Resilience Resilience with a fresh minty twist 100%
Sugar Rush Surge High-speed sugar high, sweet victory 100%
Sundae Swirls Twists like a tornado, no toppings required 100%

Total Rarity Score: 12

This token has no rarity. All tokens have the same rarity score.

The Ice Cream Man

Collection: The Ice Cream Man

Minted 8 months ago by stars1mm..tw22. Currently owned by mykeplrwallet.stars.